Diplomacy in a hierarchy

If you're an early career doctor wanting to resolve conflict with more confidence and improve your approach to difficult discussions, the Diplomacy in a hierarchy resource series is for you.

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to broach a tough topic of conversation but felt daunted and unsure where to begin?

Repressed conflict can escalate, becoming harder to solve and adversely impacting team dynamics and patient care. Addressing conflict respectfully almost always improves a relationship. 

If you’ve been wondering whether or how to have a tough discussion with a co-worker, especially if they're senior to you, explore the Diplomacy in a hierarchy resources to build skills in responding well to conflict at the outset.

Listen to the pre-webinar podcast

Play me ► to discover top tips for approaching a delicate conversation with a senior colleague

  • Duration 19 minutes
  • Podcast references, including the DESC Script can be found here

Watch the on-demand webinar
Duration 44 minutes / Recorded live on 2 September 2020