Career Development Webinars 2025

Elevate your medical career with our Career Planning and Interview Preparation webinar series for early-career doctors

At MDA National, we know our Members value career progression. To support you on your journey, we're excited to offer two comprehensive and practical webinar series on Interview Preparation and Career Planning.

These webinars are a Member-only benefit. We have very limited spots available for non-members who wish to attend each event.

Not a Member?

To gain access to our Interview Preparation and Career Planning webinars, as well as our entire range of exclusive Member benefits, join MDA National today!

If you’re interested in attending these webinars as a non-member register your interest here.

Ready to ace your interviews? Join our live webinars

Interviews can be a stressful and uncertain time for many doctors, often marking key moments in their careers. Preparation is key, and we're here to help.

MDA National is hosting a complimentary five-part interview preparation webinar series designed to give you the skills and confidence to succeed from Resume, to Interview Day. You’ll gain insights into optimising your written application, interview techniques, learn how to navigate common pitfalls, and get practical training to tackle both standard and unexpected questions.

Led by Dr. Brooke Bullock, you’ll initially have the opportunity to consider how best to present yourself through a written application and following this each live session focuses on a key interview question commonly asked in medical interviews. You'll have the chance to ask questions, practice hear responses, and understand what high yield preparation looks like —helping you sharpen your skills and step into your next interview with confidence.

Date and Time Topic  Register 
05 Mar 7:30-8:30pm AEDT Overhaul your CV and written application Completed
12 Mar 7:30-8:30pm AEDT What are your best cards? Completed
19 Mar 7:30-8:30pm AEDT Tell me about a time when? Completed
26 Mar 7:30-8:30pm AEDT How would you respond to the following Register
02 Apr 7:30-8:30pm AEDT What are your thoughts on? Register


Meet your host

Dr Brooke Bullock is a Medical Interview Coach with a decade of experience working with doctors as they prepare for resident, specialty program, fellowship and consultant interviews. Brooke has a long-standing interest in medical officer recruitment which stems from a belief that being able to put your best foot forward in an interview is a crucial skill that can hugely impact your career.

Brooke brings a wealth of skills and experience to these sessions, including recency of Clinical and recruitment Experience as the Assistant Director of Pharmacy at Gold Coast Health and has experience practicing across numerous diverse environments as a Medical Education Officer, a Researcher - having completed her PhD in 2020 - and as an Accredited Pharmacist with the Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacists.

Feeling unsure about your career path? Join our live webinars

Not sure which medical specialty is right for you? Maybe you enjoy everything, or nothing quite stands out. Perhaps you're exploring non-clinical roles—or even considering leaving medicine altogether.

To help our junior doctor Members gain career clarity, MDA National is hosting a complimentary career planning webinar series with Dr. Ashe Coxon.

  • Session 1: Gain practical guidance and personality-based insights to identify the areas of medicine you enjoy. 
  • Session 2: An interactive session to help you determine the specialty that best suits you.
  • Session 3: For those who’ve chosen a specialty, this session covers how to craft standout employment applications and take the next step in your career.

Join us live and start shaping your future career path!

Date and Time Topic  Register 
24 Apr 7:30-8:30pm AEST What to do when you don’t know what to do! Coming soon
01 May 7:30-8:30pm AEST Personality Traits Coming soon
07 May 7:30-8:30pm AEST Skills and Strengths Coming soon

Meet your host

Dr Ashe Coxon, (MBBS, FRACGP, DCH, MClinEd, Grad Cert Career Development, AFANZAHPE), is a General Practitioner and career counsellor and is the founder of Medical Career Planning.

Dr Coxon has been working with doctors and medical students for over 5 years to assist them to find happiness in work, whether that is medical, non-medical, clinical, or non-clinical. Dr Ashe provides individual appointments, group workshops, consults to organisations and provides online courses.

What attendees say

“Amazing course!! Well presented and interactive. Gives a really good structure for preparing for interviews and building up confidence.”

“Brooke is a dynamic, knowledgeable interview coach who absolutely gave me the edge in my interview. She coached me through my preparation and allowed me to put my best foot forward on the day.”

“This is extremely helpful. I feel thrilled. This is the last missing piece of the puzzle.”

“Thank you for your help. I have been telling everyone to consider doing this - it is so good to feel confident in what I am doing and why."