Tips for tricky conversations
09 Dec 2020

Junior doctor Members have recently asked us for advice on whether they must do as directed by their employer during a health crisis. As an important part of the response involves having a potentially difficult conversation, we provided some helpful tips on how to approach a discussion with a senior colleague in our Diplomacy in a hierarchy webinar on 2 September 2020.
Dr Kiely Kim facilitated a panel, sharing practical advice with real examples and answering participants’ questions on how to effectively navigate a disagreement with a co-worker, whatever their position might be.
Here’s a snapshot of their top take-home messages.
Dr Noel Collins |
These kinds of dilemmas can be challenging, but difficult conversations are often really important ones. Be kind to yourself. It’s like any type of competency or procedure. There’s no way you’re going to be a master at this, doing it for the first time. A supportive friend in a crisis is a powerful intervention on its own. Try your best to maximise your friend’s autonomy in solution-focused plans – discuss some options and work on them collaboratively. Remember, what’s right for them at this time may not be what’s right for you in similar circumstances. They may approach things differently, so be respectful of individual differences.
Dr Rachel Ryan |
Find some way to document these kinds of conversations… I always like to send an email, and I usually try and say to someone, “Okay, well I’ll send an email with those suggestions or the plan we discussed”… and that (hopefully in a not very threatening way) gives you a permanent written record of the conversation having taken place that both of you have electronically.
Claudine Watson-Kyme |
Identify and plan for any interaction to make sure it’s in an appropriate setting and at a time when everyone’s prepared, and they haven’t been rushed or ambushed… Avoid having conversations in public spaces… not only for the privacy of the people involved in the conversation, but also if you’re talking about patients. |
These are some of the main tips participants said they intend to use for a future difficult conversation with a senior colleague:
- Prepare, including:
- go in with a solution rather than just a complaint
- be honest with yourself about the issue at hand.
- Realise when it’s best to diplomatically end a discussion, e.g. by saying, “I can see this conversation’s not going well. Let’s leave it for the moment and talk about it some other time”.
Want more?
View the full webinar recording at
Listen to the pre-session podcast for more strategies at

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