Switching to MDA National is quick and easy

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Your past case history could impact your premium, however that would depend on the specific cases, when they occurred and what the outcome was. Not all claims and investigations on your case history are considered when determining your premium. It is essential that you disclose all matters that you are aware of when completing your application to ensure that we have all relevant information to make you an appropriate offer.
Professional indemnity policies in Australia are claims made policies. This means that the policy provides cover for claims made and reported during the policy period, regardless of when the incident giving rise to the claim occurred. It is not unusual for claims or investigations to arise months or years after you have provided the healthcare services. The retroactive date is the earliest date from which the policy provides coverage. When you leave your previous insurer, they will cease covering you for any new matters that you may become aware of following the cessation of your policy. Any matters that you are already aware of should be notified to your prior insurer before you cease your policy with them. Your MDA National Policy will take on the risk associated with your past private practice and cover you for any matters you become aware of after you join us arising from your past practice if you have the appropriate retroactive cover. There is a premium associated with this retroactive cover. Any matters you have notified your previous insurer will continue to be covered by them.
Upon submitting a complete application for review, our team will reach out if additional information is required and upon approval an offer of Insurance will be issued. The application process depends on the complexity of your application but in most cases the assessment is done within 3 to 5 business days. If your application process takes longer than the standard time our team will reach out to provide progress updates on your application status.
We advise you to obtain a copy of your case history or a letter of good standing from your current indemnity provider along with any other information that is requested on the application form.
Insurance premiums can increase or decrease over time due to several reasons like inflation, changes in risk profile, changes in rating factors or changes in your practice. It is best to review your policy annually and contact our Member Services team in case of any questions. Your premiums may be by general increase and inflation, but not necessarily. Should your practice details change, this may result in an increase or decrease in your premium.
Our aim is to provide you with an accurate quotation; however, the final offer of insurance is dependent on the information you provide on the application form and your previous case history and may vary from the original quote.