
Safeguarding our member support in response to COVID-19

MDA National is committed to maintaining our outstanding level of service to members and standing with them as they respond to COVID-19.

With the announcement of Government imposed quarantine measures in various Australian states, we understand that our members may have concerns over how we will continue to operate and provide essential medico-legal advice and support during this period. 

We can assure you, that it is still our priority to provide timely and relevant service to our doctor members, during these challenging times. At the initial outbreak of COVID-19, MDA National worked rapidly to implement additional measures, to ensure that our support systems and staff could still function in the face of a National lock-down. 

At MDA National, we have already taken significant steps, to ensure that we are able to continue to provide essential support and maintain our traditionally high standards of service to our members through these unprecedented times.

You can still contact us for medico-legal advice on 1800 011 255 or via email advice@mdanational.com.au

For more information and resources relating to COVID-19 and your legal obligations to patients and staff read here.

As we get used to operating in a new way, you may experience some delays, but rest assured we are here for you, to continue to provide advice and support in the moments that matter.We have taken steps to safeguard our operations, to continue to support you during this time. 

For Member Services enquiries, contact: 1800 011 255 or via email peaceofmind@mdanational.com.au.


How we made sure we’d be here, to help you KEEP ON practising with confidence

In light of the evolving crisis of COVID-19, MDA National worked rapidly to implement additional measures, to ensure that our support systems and staff could still function in the face of a national lock-down.

The measures we have introduced to safeguard the quality of service we are delivering to our members include:

  • Testing and implementing a new telephony system that our Member Services and Medico-legal teams can use remotely to answer calls 
  • Ensuring that every MDA National employee has the capability to securely access all required data, files and systems while working remotely
  • Implementing a new video conferencing system so that meetings can continue to run and each employee can keep up-to-date
  • Improving technology support services, to ensure systems and websites stay operational
  • Set up new workflow management process to ensure work can be completed efficiently and effectively while staff work remotely 


For medico-legal advice contact us on 1800 011 255 or via email advice@mdanational.com.au

For more general Member services enquiries contact 1800 011 255 or via email peaceofmind@mdanational.com.au.

Click here to find our information hub on your legal responsibilities in response to COVID-19.

We will always be here for you, to continue to provide advice and support in the moments that matter!