Empowering the medical leaders of tomorrow
09 Jun 2021
The value of medical leadership
The past 18 months have seen rapid changes as the healthcare system continued to adapt to the evolving threats of COVID-19. Doctors hold a trusted role in the community; and throughout the pandemic, the public have looked to our profession for reassurance, credible advice and reliable information.
Strong medical leadership has been a critical component of our pandemic response – and it’s apparent that we need clinical leaders to help address the wider issues within the Australian healthcare system and ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.
The value of medical leadership is becoming increasingly recognised and was highlighted further through the COVID-19 crisis. Medical leadership across the health sector at all levels – from frontline clinical care to health policy and systems – is more important than ever.
However, while leadership is a concept taught to us in medical school, few of us receive formal leadership preparation as part of our medical training. Yet, many doctors will find themselves in clinical leadership roles as they progress through their careers. It’s therefore important that we empower our future medical leaders by arming them with the skills, experience and opportunities necessary to develop their non-clinical capabilities and become effective leaders.
Shaping the future
DITs across the country are interested in shaping the future of our healthcare system, and are taking on various leadership and advocacy roles. For both of us, getting involved with MDA National as DITs has been an important part of our early leadership journeys. Our roles with MDA National have provided opportunities to contribute clinical knowledge and further develop essential non-clinical skills.
Doctors for doctors
Clinical thought leadership is essential to MDA National. As such, practising doctors are embedded throughout the organisation from those on staff to those on the Boards, committees and working groups. MDA National also engages with doctors through their local State Advisory Committees (SACs) to better understand the current challenges facing the profession and the local issues affecting Members across specialties. The SACs give Members the opportunity to get involved with the organisation in a thought leadership and advocacy role.
Member insights through the SACs and Mutual Board leadership have led to advocacy on various important issues over the past 12 months – including coronavirus FAQs, COVID-19 indemnity, doctors’ wellbeing, healthcare worker safety, support for GP registrars and those experiencing training disruptions, as well as diversity and inclusion.
Empowering emerging leaders
MDA National is committed to giving a voice to doctors in training (DITs). While there is DIT representation on each of the SACs, the impact of COVID-19 on junior doctors and the specific challenges they face prompted MDA National to form a Junior Doctor Advisory Committee (JDAC). As a national committee of like-minded DIT leaders, they represent junior doctors’ perspective on medical indemnity and practice issues.
The JDAC provides an important conduit for DIT voices and a platform to provide advice and insights to MDA National on key advocacy issues and initiatives relating to DITs – highlighting to the organisation what is truly important to you, as a DIT member of MDA, and how they can increase the value of your membership. With links back to the SACs and Mutual Board, this is a powerful mechanism for better understanding and responding to the unique needs of Members in the early stages of their careers.
Do you have a topic you’d like to raise for discussion at a JDAC or SAC meeting?
Are you interested in being involved with an MDA National committee?
Contact your local SAC or JDAC member through your state office.
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