Will You Be an Intern in 2013?
21 Nov 2012
Find out why you need cover
With MDA National Insurance's Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy you can concentrate on your internship and be confident that you are protected*.
The Policy features the following cover:
- civil liability claims arising from your provision of healthcare services including Good Samaritan acts
- legal costs arising out of a range of investigations and inquires, and allegations of sexual misconduct and criminal matters
- legal costs for certain employment disputes
- legal costs for seeking Apprehended Violence Orders, alleged breaches of fair trading legislation and involvement with an internal complaint in relation to your training program with a Medical College
- Communicable Disease Cover*.
As well as cover for circumstances such as:
- breaks in training
- overseas work#
- volunteer work.
Make sure you're covered!
To make sure you're covered, contact our Member Services team or apply online for your Intern Membership and Policy and receive a New Doctor Gift Bag including free subscription to Australian Medicines Handbook valued at $160 RRP. But be quick this free Doctor Gift Bag is limited!
Want more information?
For more information visit our website or contact our Member Services team on 1800 011 255.
*For approved applicants and subject to the terms and conditions and eligibility requirements of the Policy. For more information about this policy and before making a decision to buy or hold any products issues by MDA National Insurance, please consider your own personal circumstances and read the Product Disclosure Statement and Policy wording available at www.mdanational.com.au.
#Excluding USA and excluding where US laws apply.
*Subject to underwriting approval.

Doctors Let's Talk: Get Yourself A Fricking GP
Get yourself a fricking GP stat! is a conversation with Dr Lam, 2019 RACGP National General Practitioner of the Year, rural GP and GP Anesthetics trainee, that explores the importance of finding your own GP as a Junior Doctor.
25 Oct 2022
Systematic efforts to reduce harms due to prescribed opioids – webinar recording
Efforts are underway across the healthcare system to reduce harms caused by pharmaceutical opioids. This 43-min recording of a live webinar, delivered 11 March 2021, is an opportunity for prescribers to check, and potentially improve, their contribution to these endeavours. Hear from an expert panel about recent opioid reforms by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
14 May 2021
Diplomacy in a hierarchy: tips for approaching a difficult conversation
Have you found yourself wondering how to broach a tough topic of conversation? It can be challenging to effectively navigate a disagreement with a co-worker, especially if they're 'above' you; however, it's vital for positive team dynamics and safe patient care. In this recording of a live webinar you'll have the opportunity to learn from colleagues' experiences around difficult discussions and hear from a diverse panel moderated by Dr Kiely Kim (medico-legal adviser and general practitioner). Recorded live on 2 September 2020.
05 Oct 2020