Election Update

MDA National Limited held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday 24 November 2023, announcing the results of the recent election.

We are pleased to advise of the following Members that have been elected to our Mutual Board:

  • A/Prof Michael Hollands - re-elected
  • Dr Anna Windsor – elected (following an interim appointment to fill a casual vacancy)
  • Dr Denise Glennon - new to the Board


The AGM saw the retirement of long-standing Board member, Dr David Gilpin. Dr Gilpin has served on the Mutual Board since 2012, has been a member of the Insurance Board since 2021 and has been a long-term member of the Clinical Underwriting Committee (of which he is Chair), a role he will continue to undertake.

Dr Gilpin’s deep understanding of our business and the Australian medical indemnity market and his passionate advocacy on behalf of the profession has enabled him to make a significant contribution to MDA National and the industry more generally during his many years of tenure.

We extend a heartfelt thanks to Dr Gilpin for his dedicated service to MDA National.


Welcome Dr Denise Glennon

We would like to warmly welcome Dr Denise Glennon to the Mutual Board.

Dr Glennon is a Consultant Geriatrician at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in WA with over 20 years clinical experience in the public health sector and a special interest in Orthogeriatric and peri-operative medicine. Dr Glennon was appointed to the East Metropolitan Health Service Board in 2017 and is currently Chair of the Safety and Quality Committee. Her expertise lies in clinical governance, risk assessment and safety and quality assurance.

As an experienced geriatrician, she is committed to enhancing the healthcare of older adults in WA and Dr Glennon actively participates in healthcare reform at a system level, serving on multiple state advisory committees and project reform teams related to emergency access, safety and quality and aged care reform.

Dr Glennon has a long history of engagement in medical education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her involvement spans medical student and physician teaching and training in addition to being an examiner for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

We look forward to Dr Glennon's contribution to the Mutual Board and extend our congratulations to both A/Prof Michael Hollands and Dr Anna Windsor on their re-appointment.
MDA National is a Member-owned mutual medical defence organisation providing extensive professional indemnity insurance to over 54,000 medical practitioners, medical students and insureds across Australia. With a ‘doctors for doctors’ ethos since 1925, MDA National exists solely to support its Members in the moments that matter and promote good medical practice.

Available for interview:

MDA National President, Dr Michael Gannon
MDA National Chief Executive Officer, Ian Anderson

General enquiries and interviews:

Kylie Philippzig
National Manager, Brand & Corporate Communications